Johnnie Collins

Independant cook and grower


The 1970’s BBC sitcom “ The Good Life’ has a lot to answer for.  A comedy exploring the joys and setbacks of a couple attempting to become
self-sufficient in suburban Surbiton. Fast forward to 2024 and in a post covid world all of Tom and Barbara’s hard work is now being realised by a growing
(pun intended) army of individuals who are growing in whatever space they have available.

Johnnie grew up cooking and growing (his mum is a renowned garden designer) and his whole world really revolves around food and produce. Take a
look at is his Instagram account and you’ll be salivating within the first few scrolls.

Usually found in his kitchen or garden Johnnie’s aim is to stop going out to the shop to buy things that he can grow himself. It may sound like an
old-fashioned idea but in reality feels thoroughly modern. We are now concerned more than ever about what is going into our bodies and the provenance of
the ingredients, using local, seasonal produce.

The next big project feels like a no-brainer and will be ultimately the greatest reward - working to create a biodynamic farm with the team at
Farmacy in East Sussex. We had to ask the expert what biodynamic actually means because as a consumer, organic has become an everyday word that is becoming more the norm than ever before. But biodynamic is another ball game altogether!

Biodynamic is a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition. It takes ideals and ethics into practical
reality, respecting the ecology, culture and tradition of a place.

There is something rewarding about watching things grow and maybe it’s that analogy of nurturing life that’s getting us all into growing. Life is busy
but slowing down in a green space with the soil under your nails is an essential tonic. Some of the Aubin team are first timers, and popping their
cherry on a simple veg patch has seen big smiles all around when the harvest comes in.

 Take a look at Johnnie’s instagram page @johnniecollins.  It will inspire you to do something. You might not be the next Monty Don but you’ll definitely think about produce in a different way.