If there is one thing we all love at Aubin, it is our four-legged friends so we were thrilled to join @jerryinthepark for one of his many park walks with his esteemed clientele Pretzel, Eric, Bruno 1 and Bruno 2.

In certain parts of the capital, dogs outnumber their human companions. We often stand in awe when a dog walker strolls past with 5 dogs all trotting patiently beside them. You'll find Jerry in the Hackney area usually between all the green spaces and brilliant parks around there. From Hackney Downs Park, to London Fields and Hackney Marshes, you really are spoilt for choice if you want to go dog spotting! We met Jerry on one of those rare days when the sun was shining! The park was busy with a multitude of inner city dogs that were living their best lives promenading through the park!

Jerry has been working with dogs for around 4 year. We ask what is the most rewarding thing about his job:

"The most rewarding moments in my job apart from spending time with all the pups and having fun, has to be witnessing dogs (especially the shy ones) full personalities as they grow in confidence around me and the other dogs. Seeing them learn new things and tricks. Also just seeing a puppy grow up! When I spend a lot of time with a puppy and they mature, all I can see is that puppy face from the first time I met them when they were small."

Jerry has a very relaxed yet authoritive manner with the dogs, they all know who the pack master is (and who has treats!) The park is buzzing with other dog owners and their beloved pets. They all have one thing in common and that's the unconditional love for their furry companions.

Follow Jerry @jerryinthepark and find out what his pups have been up to. It really is an addictive watch!

Jerry Wears